Fresh blood in the Brandlab!

The BR-ND Brandlab has adopted two innovators from the TU-Delft. Finishing their master ‘Strategic Product Design’, they will support BR-ND with new cools tools and a state of the art roadmap. In april Thomas Wijnen entered the Brandlab. He will revise and re-engineer the roadmap to brandappeal. We don’t have to tell you that BR-ND delivers brilliant work ;-) , but in order to stay on top of our game, innovation is needed. Mindsets, technology and trends develop rapidly and the new roadmap will help BR-ND to react on this. Welcome to the future with more beautiful brands.

One month later, Josien Pieters has entered the Brandlab. She will focus on redesigning one of BR-ND’s key tools: the Insider. As well as the roadmap, this tool needs a fresh update to be ready for the future of gamification and user-involvement.

We keep you updated!

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Brands & Brains


Kim Cramer: Giving is the new taking