Our new team mate

Danishwara Nathaniel, you can call him Dan, is a recent graduate from Amsterdam University College. He just obtained his Bachelor's degree in Social Sciences. His interests in Sociology and Anthropology can be a research and problem-solving tool in emotive branding issues. Being a researcher, Dan likes to read variety of books from different genre, theories, and nations. He is very much aware that reading is an essential part of producing knowledge; a window to a new world. He applied knowledge through his writing. Dan is always on the look out for new experiences, new people to learn from, and new stories. 

If there is only one thing you should know about him is that he is an avid traveller. Born and raised in Jakarta, Indonesia, he developed an interest in going abroad and discovering new cultures early on in life. At age 21, Dan has lived in four countries in different continents by himself: Indonesia, Malaysia, Turkey, The Netherlands. Travelling is a passion for this little boy. As he cannot sit still, let alone settling in. Dan needs to always be on the move. Travelling, like reading a book, also feeds into his curiosity in discovering new ways of living/thinking, giving him new stories to think about. 

With this background and experiences, Dan hopes to bring diversity of background and new ways of thinking to the team. 

If you want to know where he is at the moment and follow his adventures check out his Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/danathaniel/

Dan also has a Facebook page for his photography: https://www.facebook.com/danishwaranathanielphotography

Alexander Koene

I am a creative entrepreneur dedicated to enhancing our experience on Earth. My mantra is simple yet powerful: "Being happy, while doing good!" I founded BR-ND People and invented the 23plusone method with my business partner Kim Cramer.


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We hired a hockey nerd to help out Alexander!